I thought long and hard on this, and after rejecting many different things, decided to go with H.P. Lovecraft, more specifically the Cthulhu Mythos that he created. I decided on this based on several factors, including my love for the stories and playing various board games based on said stories.
Once I came up with the theme, things quickly fell into place. First would be the URL for the site: a play on words combining "code" (as in coding, the focus of the blog) and "fhtagn" (a word meaning "waiting" or "dreaming" that appears in various stories from the Mythos). This ties in directly with the title for the blog, "Dreaming of Code", and it's subtext based on a phrase that often appears in Mythos stories:
"That is not dead which can eternal lie.Finally, each post begins with a quotation from some Mythos related story, and all coding samples will somehow relate to the Mythos.
And with strange aeons even death may die."